Homeschool Enrichment from Paraclete Press
These are extraordinary times.
The coronavirus pandemic has changed everything. And with school reopening plans uncertain, many parents expect some combination of online school for kids and in-person learning to take place.
If you are a parent scrambling to figure out how to occupy your kids’ time and facilitate their learning, Paraclete Press is here to assist you.
In September, meet Margaret, the Pope's Cat.
- Receive downloadable, custom-made “Margaret” coloring pages
- Attend a session with illustrator, Roy DeLeon, on the basics of sketching
- Attend 4 classes with the author, Jon M. Sweeney, on Italy, Rome, the Vatican, the Swiss Guard, the Roman Curia, Advent and Lenten practices of the Church, Assisi and St. Francis of Assisi, and even a bit of Italian cuisine and Latin phrases all designed as appropriate for elementary school-age children.
There is something for each month—sign up below!
We are here to help your kids stay active, and play at a time when movement and learning are so very necessary.
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