Chant Books for the Divine Office

Chant Books for the Divine Office

The chanting of hymns and psalms is one of the bedrocks of monastic daily worship. In this group of chant publications, Paraclete offers the Antiphonale Monasticum in its 1934 and 21st century incarnations. With these books, the chanting of the Liturgy of the Hours can be done along with Feast Days. There are also books available for the chanting of hymns, for Vespers and the psalms. These valuable resources are publications from the Abbey of Solesmes, known for their scrupulous chant scholarship and elegant printing.
Antiphonale Romanum I

Antiphonale Romanum I

Monks of Solesmes


This volume, published in 2020, follows the layout of the Liturgy of the Hours and each verse of each hymn is set with notes for ease in reading by...

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Antiphonale Romanum II - Paraclete Press

Antiphonale Romanum II

Monks of Solesmes


This volume, published in 2009, follows the layout of the Liturgy of the Hours and each verse of each hymn is set with notes for ease in reading by...

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Psalterium Monasticum - Paraclete Press

Psalterium Monasticum

Monks of Solesmes


This collection of the psalms was originally published in 1981 (reprinted 2012) by the Monks of Solesmes, after the reform of the Benedictine offic...

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Processionale Monasticum - Paraclete Press

Processionale Monasticum

Monks of Solesmes


The Processionale Monasticum was originally published by Solesmes in 1893 and was reprinted several times. Its historical importance led Solesmes t...

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Liber Hymnarius

Liber Hymnarius

Monks of Solesmes


The Gregorian Chant Hymnal with updated texts set in a new version of the traditional notation developed by the monks of Solesmes. It contains the ...

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Antiphonale Monasticum (1934)

Antiphonale Monasticum (1934)

Monks of Solesmes


This volume is a reproduction of the 1934 edition of the Antiphonale Monasticum, which was the standard edition until 2005, following the pre-Vatic...

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Antiphonale Monasticum I (2005) - Paraclete Press

Antiphonale Monasticum I (2005)

Monks of Solesmes


Volume I of the Antiphonale Monasticum (2005) contains all the temporal antiphons of the monastic office, the short responsories and the verses of ...

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Antiphonale Monasticum II - Paraclete Press

Antiphonale Monasticum II

Monks of Solesmes


This is the second volume of the Antiphonale monasticum 2005 (De tempore), given the title of PSALTERIUM. Beginning with the first Vespers of Sunda...

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Antiphonale Monasticum III - Paraclete Press

Antiphonale Monasticum III

Monks of Solesmes


Published in 2007, this third volume of the new Antiphonale Monasticum has the complete Propers of the Saints and all the Commons (offices of the d...

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