DVD - Faith Formation - Adults

Deepen your spiritual life with an adult faith formation DVD from Paraclete Press!  Featured topics include baptism, Christian discipleship, discernment, and spiritual practices. Perfect for Church-wide programs and small groups, as well as individuals.

Stream all the videos in this collection! Click here to learn how.

Saying Yes

Saying Yes

Albert Haase OFM


What is God asking of me? How do I know if this is really of God and not simply my imagination?  Discerning God's will is an ongoing process—not a...

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Demystifying the Book of Revelation
Coming Soon

Demystifying the Book of Revelation

Paraclete Video Productions


Does The Book of Revelation have a message for today? Fr. Bill debunks popular myths and explains this book's power to transform and challenge our ...

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Coming Soon
Mudhouse Sabbath

Mudhouse Sabbath

Lauren F. Winner


“It's not just that Jesus was a Jew, Jesus still is a Jew. Engaging Jewish practice and tradition is one important way of overcoming the gaps that...

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