Gregorian Chant
Daniel Saulnier, OSB
Gregorian Chant offers a detailed tutorial in the history and liturgy of Gregorian chant for musicians and musicologists, clergy and liturgists, pa...
View full detailsParaclete Press offers an abundance of educational chant resources for students and scholars at all levels. The authors include such esteemed chant experts as Dr. Mary Berry, Dom Eugene Cardine, Dom Jacques Houlier, Robert Fowells, and Dom Daniel Saulnier among others. Paraclete offers not only chant materials from the Abbey of Solesmes, but their own publications that stem from years of experience chanting at the Church of the Transfiguration. These publications and collections would also be a great acquisition for libraries as a one-stop resource for Gregorian chant.
Gregorian Chant offers a detailed tutorial in the history and liturgy of Gregorian chant for musicians and musicologists, clergy and liturgists, pa...
View full detailsThis is a tried and true beginner’s guide to the singing and understanding of Gregorian chant. Developed at The Community of Jesus, an ecumenical c...
View full detailsThe modern liturgical movement owes a great debt to Solesmes monk Dom Eugène Cardine (1905-1988), whose tireless research in the ancient manuscript...
View full detailsThe purity and simplicity of Gregorian chant fed the musical and liturgical life of Christianity for more than a millennium. But after the reforms ...
View full detailsIn response to questions from a group of young people who, out of their love for Gregorian chant, had organized a session near the Abbey of Solesm...
View full detailsToday's liturgical renewal owes a great debt to Dom Prosper Gueranger, who not only dedicated his life to refounding the Abbey of St. Peter of Sol...
View full detailsDesigned for those new to the Gregorian chant, this card describes the ways that the chant brings the early Church alive through song. Written by o...
View full detailsDesigned for those new to the Gregorian chant, this card describes the ways that the chant brings the early Church alive through song. Written by o...
View full detailsThis is one of the most important writings about Gregorian chant and makes clear the role of the modes in the study of chant. Beautifully organized...
View full detailsAn English translation by Robert M. Fowells of Dom Cardine’s major treatise on reading and interpreting early chant notation. A "must" for those in...
View full details“Exceptional recordings flawlessly produced, and showcases centuries of devotions, chants, celebrations, and the glorification of God.” —Reviewer’s...
View full detailsKnown throughout the world as the leading masters of Gregorian chant, these two recordings by the monks of Solesmes simplify and clarify the world ...
View full detailsAn essential introduction to Gregorian chant Known throughout the world as the leading masters of Gregorian chant, the monks of Solesmes have rele...
View full detailsChant highlights of the Gregorian church year This recording reflects the unmatched authenticity which characterizes the exquisitely gracious and ...
View full detailsGloriae Dei Cantores Schola has been praised by the New York Times for "expert renditions of Gregorian Chant" and "excellence of interpretation" by...
View full detailsFollow the life of Christ: from the Great O Antiphon "O Emmanuel" heralding His birth, to the triumphant chants proclaiming his glorious Resurrecti...
View full detailsThe Einsendeln volume of the Solesmes Paleography series (vol.IV, first series) is a complete copy of Manuscript 121 from the Einsendeln Abbey Libr...
View full detailsManuscript 239 from Laon France is one of the earliest records of text and chant attributed to the late 9th Century. Part of the Solesmes Paleograp...
View full detailsFrom the second half of the tenth Century, the St. Gall book in the Solesmes Paleography series (vol. I, first series) is a Gradual taken from Man...
View full detailsEtudes Gregoriennes is an academic journal that was founded in 1954 by Dom Joseph Gajard, then Solesmes choirmaster. This annual journal contains s...
View full detailsEtudes Gregoriennes is an academic journal that was founded in 1954 by Dom Joseph Gajard, then Solesmes choirmaster. This annual journal contains s...
View full detailsEtudes Gregoriennes is an academic journal that was founded in 1954 by Dom Joseph Gajard, then Solesmes choirmaster. This annual journal contains s...
View full detailsThe Hartker Antiphonary is the first volume in the Paleography second series, published by Solesmes. It is a facsimile of two mid-tenth Century Man...
View full detailsA true compendium of ideas, concepts, and remarkable guidance for the interpretation, understanding, and communication of Gregorian chant from Dom ...
View full detailsIn all times, in different branches of the Christian family, there are people who have written or sung or spoken things that encouraged us to give our lives to God and to listen to His voice. At Paraclete Press, we gather and share these treasures.